Miza Oljka in kamen  

Miza je vedno tisti predmet, ki ponazarja srce doma. V mediteranski kulturi nosi prav poseben pomen, saj hrana sega onkraj enoznačnega sredstva za preživetje: pomeni vsakodnevno priložnost za druženje in pogovor. Miza Oljka in kamen ter miza Morje in kamen pričarata edinstveno občutenje pravega Mediterana, kjer je skupni obrok del kulturne identitete in kjer med druženjem ob hrani nastaja tisto pravo bistvo – občutek bližine in skupnosti. Z enim samim dotikom lahko občutimo preplet tišine zapuščenega oljčnega nasada in toplote snežno belega kamna z otoka Brača ter si spočijemo pogled na mediteransko modri barvi.
Dimenzije: 58 x 40 cm

/ Olive Tree & Stone Table 

The kitchen table is always the heart of the home. In Mediterranean culture, where eating is regarded as something that goes well beyond the notion of physical sustenance, it bears a special meaning. It represents an opportunity for social exchange and communication. The Olive Tree & Stone and Sea & Stone tables evoke the unique essence of the Mediterranean way of life, where eating together is part of the region’s cultural identity, and where socializing through food is a way of creating what truly matters – a sense of togetherness and community. With but a single a stroke of the table’s surface, we feel the silence of an abandoned olive orchard and the warmth of the snow white stone from the island of Brač – and rest our eyes on the blue Mediterranean. 
Dimensions: 58 x 40 cm