Preproga Plankton
Preproga Plankton je prva svetleča preproga. Izdelana je iz modrih niti Econyl®. Všiti vozlički, ki ponazarjajo plankton, so premazani s fluorescentno barvo, zato lahko ponoči zasvetijo in nam pričarajo veličastno podobo lesketajoče se morske gladine. Nastanek preproge Plankton v sebi združuje tako poklon tradicionalni ribiški obrti kot tudi opozorilo na vse večji problem čezmernega ribolova in onesnaženosti morja. Preproga je namreč narejena iz recikliranega tekstila, ki vsebuje tudi ostanke odpadnih, zapuščenih ribiških mrež, znanih kot »mreže duhov« (ang. ghost nets); te brez nadzora plavajo v morju in se nalagajo na morsko dno ter ogrožajo življenje morskih živali.
Dimenzije: 180 x 180 cm
ECONYL® je 100-odstotno recikliran najlon, narejen iz najlonskih odpadkov; večinoma so to ostanki tkanin iz mlinov, starih preprog, del materiala pa so tudi ribiške mreže. Slednje iz morja pobirajo prostovoljni potapljači iz iniciative Healthy Seas. Material, uporabljen za preprogo iz najlonskih ribiških mrež, skupaj z drugimi najlonskimi odpadki v Sloveniji reciklira podjetje Aquafil.
Inicativo HEALTHY SEAS je ustanovila neprofitna organizacija (iz podjetja Aquafil) skupaj še z dvema trajnostnima podjetjema z namenom reševanja in obvladovanja tako imenovanega pojava mrež duhov (ang. ghost fishing phenomen), ki je odgovoren za nepotrebno smrt številnih morskih živali. Healthy Seas skupaj s potapljači prostovoljci čisti morje in v sodelovanju z deležniki iz ribiškega sektorja skrbi za zmanjševanje morskih odpadkov. Z nabiranjemodpadnih ribiških mrež zagotavlja, da te ponovno postanejo dragocen vir. Najlonske ribiške mreže skupaj z drugimi odpadki podjetje Aquafil predeluje v prejo Econyl®, druge plastične odpadke pa se prav tako ponovno uporabi in reciklira.
/ Plankton Carpet
The Plankton Carpet is probably the first carpet that truly glows. The knots, which are coated with a phosphorescent colour, are knitted together in a blue base carpet made of Econyl® yarn. Once night arrives, the knots start to glow and paint a spectacular image of a glistening sea surface. The making of the Plankton Carpet is both a tribute to traditional fishing craft as well as a warning over the growing problem of overfishing and sea pollution. The carpet is made from recycled nylon waste, of which a part consists of abandoned fishing nets, also known as ghost nets, that drift around the ocean and are responsible for the needless death of countless marine animals.
Dimensions; 180 x 180 cm
ECONYL® is 100% regenerated nylon from nylon waste such as fabric scraps from mills, old carpets destined for landfills, and disused fishing nets from the ocean and elsewhere. The fishing nets are rescued from the sea by volunteer divers from the Healthy Seas initiative. The nylon fishing nets are pre-processed together with other nylon waste into Econyl® yarn by Aquafil in Slovenia.
THE HEALTHY SEAS INITIATIVE was founded by a non-profit organization (from Aquafil) and two sustainable businesses in order to tackle ghost fishing, which is responsible for the needless death of countless marine animals. Through clean-ups with volunteer divers and by working with stakeholders from the fishing sector working to prevent marine pollution, Healthy Seas collects waste nets and turns them into a valuable resource. The Aquafil company then regenerates nylon fishing nets together with other waste plastics to create their unique Econyl® yarn.