Slovenija, Ljubljana
interier / interior: Tina Rugelj, Brina Vizjak
sodelavci / associates: Urška Škrap, Nejc Batistič
foto / photo: Miran Kambič
arhitekturna prenova / architectural rennovation: Dolenec Gojević arhitekti
Stanovanje je prejelo nagrado Big SEE Interior Award 2018.
Stanovanje je prejelo Arhihome 2019 nominacijo za interier
Ples povezovalnih materialov
Kako prilagoditi staro meščansko stanovanje novemu času in življenjskemu slogu? Kako ohraniti prefinjenost in jo navdahniti s svežino? Tipičen prehodni tloris je zahteval nekaj inovativnih rešitev za preobrazbo v stanovanje za mlado družino.
Kot poklon značaju stanovanja so bile ohranjene čudovite stare peči; ker pa niso več funkcionalne, je v dnevno sobo umeščen kamin. S kovinskimi vertikalami na vhodu smo prostoru dodali vežo, ki je v prvotni zasnovi ni bilo. Element prijazno razdeljuje prostor; za njim nastane kotiček s klopjo, Thonetovim obešalnikom in velikim toniranim ogledalom, ki povezuje prostor s pogledom v jedilnico s kuhinjo.
Tudi hrastov pod nas je vodil v povezovanje: skrbno smo izbrali jedilno mizo, stole in posteljo v spalnici iz masivnega orehovega lesa, da se dopolnjujejo z obstoječimi restavriranimi kosi pohištva (na primer, z antično zofo v dnevni sobi). Les pa se lepo povezuje z zlato barvo monolitskega elementa v spalnici, s servirno omaro z minibarom v kuhinji in z deli knjižne police v dnevni sobi. Zlata omara v spalnici, ki se odpira z večih strani, in omare z ogledalom okoli nje, skupaj tvorijo garderobno sobo znotraj sobe.
Otroška sobica je svetla in prilagodljiva; pograd je mogoče razstaviti v dve ločeni postelji, otroška ograjica, katere ideja izvira iz prostoročne skice, pa je lahko začasna.
/ Interplay of connecting materials
How to adjust an old bourgeois apartment to a new time and lifestyle? How to maintain sophistication and inspire it with something fresh at the same time? The apartment’s typical transient layout called for a few innovative solutions in order to transform it into a young family’s home.
Paying respect to the character of the apartment, the old and beautiful furnaces had been preserved. Because they did not serve their function anymore, we added a fireplace to the living room. Vertical metal structures were placed near the entrance, creating a vestibule that was not there in the original apartment layout. The element kindly separates the space, creating a corner for a bench, Thonet coat hanger and a large tinted mirror; the latter connects the space with a view into the dining room and kitchen.
The oak floor guided the integration of materials as well. We carefully selected the dining table, the chairs and a bed, all made of solid walnut wood to be complemented with existing restored pieces of furniture (for example, with the antique sofa in the living room). The wood fits nicely with the golden colour of the monolithic element in the bedroom, with the cabinet with a mini-bar in the kitchen and with parts of the bookshelf in the living room. The golden wardrobe in the bedroom opens from several sides and is surrounded by closets with mirrors, creating a room inside a room.
The children's room is friendly and flexible; its bunkhouse can be disassembled into two separate beds, and the upper bed’s fence – an idea that originates from a hands-free drawing - can be adjusted or transformed.