Švica, Zürich
interier / interior: Tina Rugelj, Maja Laurence
sodelavci / associates: Brina Vizjak
foto / photo: Miran Kambič
Stanovanje je prejelo nagrado Big SEE Interior Award 2020.
Igra toplega in hladnega v urbanem prostoru
Veliko prostorno petsobno stanovanje je naročnik kupil še v fazi gradnje objekta, kar je omogočilo veliko možnosti in vključevanja želja naročnika pri sami zasnovi interierja. Glede na to, da so bili deli zgradbe zasnovani v betonu, smo se odločili, da v osrednjem dnevnem prostoru ohranimo njegov primarni videz. Surov beton na eni strani in topel les kot protiutež na drugi strani dajejo stanovanju unikaten značaj in določata rdečo nit kontrastov, ki jih lahko opazimo v zasnovi vseh bivalnih prostorov. Mirni toni odtenkov neba in vode so bili izhodišče za izbor tekstilov v stanovanju. Sinja tapeta v dnevnih prostorih služi kot naravni podaljšek velike okenske površine, ki se odpira v naravo in objema celoten obod stanovanja. Nizka tv omarica poskrbi za neopazen prehod iz zunanjosti v notranjost, ki jo na desni strani dopolni lesena stena s kaminom. Sedežna garnitura je modularna in omogoča sedenje iz vseh strani. Kuhinja z otokom je obložena s svetlim marmorjem. Kuhinjski otok v prostoru zavzema glavno vlogo in tako v kuhinji, ki jo tradicionalno zaznamuje nenehna pretočnost in uporaba, predstavlja vozlišče dogajanja. Na njem se kuha, ob njem poseda, z zadnje strani ima vinsko vitrino, s katero je poskrbljeno za dobro vzdušje. Masivna hrastova jedilna miza je prav tako unikaten kos, saj njeno podnožje sledi rdeči niti izmenjave toplih in hladnih elementov. V ta namen je kot kontrast leseni površini podnožje ustvarjeno iz vlitega betona in se tako lepo poda tudi k vidnemu betonu na stropu. Spalni del je v notranjosti ločen od dnevnega, a je povezan z njim po zunanjem obodu. Glavna spalnica se namreč odpira na veliko teraso, ki je obenem tudi povezana z glavno teraso, do katere dostopamo iz dnevnega prostora. Terasa meri skoraj 50 m2 in je prava oaza sredi mesta v poletnih vročih dneh.
The play of warm and cool in an urban space
The large spacious five-room apartment was purchased by the client during the construction phase of the building, which enabled many options and the integration of client's wishes in the interior design. Given that parts of the building were designed in concrete, we decided to maintain its primary look in the central living area. Raw concrete on one side and warm wood as a counterweight on the other give the apartment a unique character and set a general outline of contrasts that can be seen in the design of all living spaces. The calm tones of the sky and water were the starting point for choosing the textiles in the apartment. The cyan wallpaper in the living room serves as a natural extension of a large window area that opens into nature and embraces the entire perimeter of the apartment. The low-set tv cabinet enables the seamless transition from the outside to the inside and its complemented on the right side by a wooden wall with a fireplace. The sitting area is modular and allows seating from all sides. The kitchen with island is lined with bright marble. The island occupies a central position in the kitchen and represents a point of constant happening in the space that is traditionally characterized by its never-ending flow and use. It is cooked on it, sat next to it, and on its back there is a wine cabinet, which provides a setting for a good atmosphere. The massive oak dining table is also a unique piece and its base follows the outline of interchange of warm and cold elements. For this purpose, as a contrast to the wooden table surface, the base is cast made of concrete and goes beautifully hand in hand with the visible concrete on the wall. The sleeping area is separated from the living room interior, but is connected to it by the outer perimeter. The master bedroom opens onto a large terrace, which is also connected to the main terrace that is accessible from the living room. The terrace measures almost 50 m2 and is a true oasis in the middle of the city on hot summer days.