Ljubljana, SLovenija
interier / interior: Tina Rugelj, Vesna Mihelj
arhitekturna prenova / architectural rennovation: Tina Rugelj, Vesna Mihelj
sodelavci / associates: Brina Vizjak, Urška Škrap
foto / photo: Fulvio Grisoni
Ohranjanje značaja hiše
V mirnem in zelenem predelu Ljubljane stoji mestna vila iz 50-ih/60-ih let. Od današnjih gradenj enodružinskih hiš jo loči predvsem to, da je pametno umeščena na sam rob parcele, za njo pa se skriva bogat vrt s starimi sortami sadnih dreves, zelenico in več gredicami.
Pri obnovi hiše in vrta smo želeli ohraniti osnovno zasnovo brez prizidkov ali širitev, navkljub veliko novim vsebinam (tri otroške sobe, spalnica, tri kopalnice in en dnevni WC, garderoba, utility, dnevni prostor s kuhinjo in jedilnico, prostor za prijatelje…). Iz tlorisa smo izluščili največ, kar je bilo mogoče: obe mladinski sobi s kopalnico smo po dolgem premisleku umestili v polklet, dnevni del s kuhinjo, jedilnico in izhodom na vrt je na novo krožno zasnovan. V spalne prostore in kopalnico v nadstropju vodi restavrirano stopnišče, ki ustvarja tudi zanimiv vmesni prostor - kotiček za branje in igranje. Prvo nadstropje je prenovljeno v mansardo, ki služi kot delovni prostor oziroma, v primeru obiskov, kot prostor za prijatelje.
Pri prenovi smo ves čas skušali ohraniti vse, kar je bilo kvalitetnega in pazili, da smo obnovili tisto, kar hiši daje svoj značaj: dvojna okna, radiatorji in stara peč, kateri smo dodali tudi steklena vratca za opazovanje plamena. Hrastov parket smo naoljili z naravnimi olji in ga restavrirali povsod, kjer smo premaknili kakšno steno. Ostala oprema pa je narejena po meri, večinoma iz orehovega lesa in furnirja. Zunanjost hiše smo osvežili in prebarvali, ter restavrirali dele iz teraca, ki so ob novi vinsko rdeči omari kar zaživeli. Na novo smo zasnovali ograjo na cesto tako, da nudi dovolj diskretnosti, a hkrati ohranja vpetost hiše v svojo okolico.
Vodil nas je stik hiše z vrtom; enega od restavriranih oken smo odprli do tal in pred njim naredili teraso s stopniščem do vrta, t.i.pasarelo.Ob toplih večerih so stopnice lahko prijeten kotiček za druženje ali branje knjige.
/ Preserving the character of the house
In a quiet, green part of Ljubljana there is a villa from the 50's / 60's. It differs from the present-day construction of single-family houses, since it is smartly located on the very edge of the plot, hiding a rich garden behind it with old varieties of fruit trees, green lawn and several flower beds.
Through the renovation of the house and the garden, we wanted to preserve the original design without extensions or enlargements, despite a lot of new content (three children's rooms, a bedroom, three bathrooms and one living room, a wardrobe, utility, living room with kitchen and dining room, a room for friends...). We tried to make the most out of the floor plan: after thorough consideration, the two youth rooms with the bathroom were placed in the basement. The living room with kitchen, dining room and the exit to the garden is newly designed in a semicircle. A restored staircase leads to the bedrooms and the bathroom, that also creates an interesting space in between - a corner for reading and play. First floor has been renovated into a mansard, which serves as a workspace or, in the case of visits, as a place for friends.
During the renovation, we strived to preserve everything that was of high quality and to restore what gives the house its special character. We restored the double windows, radiators and an old furnace, to which we added a glass door. The oak parquet was nourished with natural oils and restored in all the places where a wall was moved. Other equipment is custom-made, mostly of walnut wood and veneer. The exterior of the house was refreshed and repainted; we restored parts of teraco, which was brought to life in combination with a new wine-red cabinet. We newly designed a fence bordering the road in such a way that it offers enough discretion, while at the same time maintaining the integrity of the house in its surroundings.
We were influenced by the contact of the house with the garden; one of the restored windows was prolongued to the ground and a terrace with a staircase to the garden was placed in front of it, i.e. pasarelo. On warm evenings, stairs can become a pleasant corner for socializing or reading a book.