interier in detajli arhitekture / interior and architectural details: Tina Rugelj
arhitektura / architecture: Košorok Gartner arhitekti (Lumar)
foto / photo: Miran Kambič
Hiša z veliko pokrito teraso – zunanjo dnevno sobo in z ostalimi bivalnimi prostori v pritličju tvori dinamičen in enovit bivalni ambient. Terasa je v poletnih mesecih popolnoma zaščitena pred sončno pripeko, v prehodnih obdobjih pa obsijana s soncem omogoča prijetno posedanje na prostem dolgo v jesen. Arhitekturni detajli in oprema so bili načrtovani tako, da omogočajo zračnost in prehajanje svetlobe iz zgornjega v spodnje nadstropje in obratno.
/ A house with a large covered terrace – an outer living room, and other living quarters on the ground floor creates a dynamic and uniform living space. During the summer months the terrace is completely protected from the glaring sun, and welcomes the occupant to sit outside and bask in the sun long into the autumn. Due to architectural details and equipment, the house breathes while the light shifts from the upper to the lower floor and vice versa.