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Slovenija, Ljubljana


interier / interior: Tina Rugelj, Urška Škrap

sodelavci / associates: Brina Vizjak, Maja Laurence

foto / photo: Janez Marolt

arhitektura / architecture: Peter Rijavec

Stanovanje je prejelo nagrado Big SEE Interior Award 2020.

Stanovanje je prejelo nagrado Big SEE Interior Award 2020.


Materiali v sozvočju z okolico

Hiša je umeščena v čudovito okolje izven mesta in je v neposrednem stiku z naravo. Grajena je iz lesa, za izolacijo je uporabljena slama, strop je ilovnat, za fasado in omete pa je uporabljen omet iz ilovice in ilovnate barve. Glavni atribut hiše je dvovišinski prostor na mestu jedilnice, ki povezuje kuhinjo in dnevno sobo - srce hiše in dogajanja. Ima lep razgled na spokojno dolino brez hiš in gozd. Stopnice smo želeli umestiti tako, da prostora ne razdelimo na dva dela, ampak da ohranimo povezanost in dimenzijo širine. Skozi prostor se v prvo nadstropje vije opazno stopnišče. Krasijo ga lestenci, ki prostoru dajo obliko in primerno pozornost. 

V nadstropju se nahajajo mirnejši spalni prostori ter kopalnice po meri naročnika, v pritličju pa se življenje hiše dogaja v skupnih prostorih, predvsem v veliki kuhinji, jedilnici ter udobni dnevni sobi. Kuhinja z veliko vinsko vitrino je središče. Ko pridejo obiski, miza služi kot šank. Sedežna je večnamenska in obrnjena na obe strani: usmerjena je lahko v TV, kamin ali gozd. Gost lahko ne glede na smer pogleda ves čas udobno sedi. Pri zasnovi opreme smo se držali vodila, da je mizarsko narejena oprema lesena ali belo barvana, kovinski deli in luči pa črni. Tako se ustvari prijeten kontrast, ki interier pomladi in mu da svež videz. V zelenih odtenkih in tako v sozvočju z naravnim pa so tapetniška dela, stoli in sedežna garnitura.


/ Materials in harmony with the surroundings

The house is situated in a beautiful environment outside the city, surrounded by nature. It is built of wood and straw (for insulation) and clay is used for its façade, plaster and ceiling. The main attribute of the house is the two-storey space of the dining room, which connects the kitchen and the living room - the heart of the house. It has a beautiful view of the tranquil valley with no houses and a forest. We wanted to install the stairs so that the space is not divided into two parts, but that we maintain the connection and dimension of the width. A noticeable staircase stretches across the room to the first floor. It is decorated with chandeliers that give shape and attention to space.

On the first floor there are calmer sleeping areas and custom made bathrooms, while on the ground floor the life of the house is in the common areas, especially in the large kitchen, dining room and comfortable living room. The kitchen with a large wine cabinet takes the centre stage. When visitors arrive, the table serves as a bar. The seating is multifunctional and faces both sides: it can be pointed towards the TV, the fireplace or the forest. The guest can sit comfortably all the time, regardless of the direction of the view. When designing the equipment, we wanted the custom made pieces to be wooden or white, and the metallic parts and lights black. That way we created a pleasant contrast that makes the interior look fresh and youthful. The upholstery, chairs and seating set are in green shades, and thus in harmony with the natural.