Maribor, Slovenija
interier / interior: Tina Rugelj, Brina Vizjak
foto / photo: Janez Marolt
arhitektura / architecture: Reichenberg arhitektura
Domačnost, skrita pred mestnim vrvežem
Posebnost velikega stanovanja z razgledi na okoliške hribe je njegova razgibanost in večnivojskost. Vstop skozi navidez običajen vhod kmalu razkrije vse lastnosti stanovanja, ki s svojo domačnostjo takoj prevzame vsakega gosta. Takoj ko na vhodu odložimo svoje stvari, nas kratek hodnik vodi v veliko kuhinjo, ki s svojo leseno vdolbino bolj kot na kuhinjo spominja na del pohištvenega elementa, ki ga ponavadi najdemo v dnevni sobi. Kuhinja predstavlja nekakšno protiutež velikemu volumnu dnevnega prostora, na katerega se na desni strani odpira pogled pred nami. Barve okoliških streh in zemeljski toni narave se odražajo tudi v izboru materialov v notranjosti in dopolnjujejo prizore, ki jih lahko občudujemo visoko nad mestom. Sedežna garnitura in omarica za televizijo ter klop, ki nudi dodaten okvir zimskemu vrtu so v nižji etaži, vendar vizualno del jedilnega kota. Spalni deli so na koncu stanovanja, ločeni od dnevnega vrveža v jedilnici. V spalnici je prav posebej oblikovana omara z oknom na sredini. Tesna postavitev omare okoli okna služi kot njegov okvir in ga tako iz navadnega okna spreminja sliko, ki skozi letne čase nudi bogate in raznolike prizore.
/ Hominess hidden from the hustle and bustle of the city
A special feature of this large apartment with views of the surrounding hills is its vibrancy and multi-levelness. Upon entering through a seemingly ordinary entrance we are soon faced with all the characteristics of an apartment, which immediately takes over every guest with its hominess. As soon as we put down our belongings at the entrance, a short hallway leads us to a large kitchen. Its wooden recess reminds us more of a piece of furniture that is usually found in the living room than in the kitchen. The latter also serves as a kind of counterbalance to the large volume of the living room that opens in front of us to the right. The colors of the surrounding roofs and the earthy tones of nature are also reflected in the selection of interior materials and are visually complementing the scenes that can be admired high above the city. The sitting set, the TV cabinet and the bench provide an extra frame to the winter garden and are placed downstairs, but are still visually part of the dining corner. The sleeping area is at the end of the apartment, separated from the daily bustle in the dining room. The bedroom has a specially designed cabinet with a window in the middle. The tight placement of the cabinet around the window serves as its frame, changing it from a regular window to a painting that offers rich and varied scenes throughout the entire year.