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photo: Klemen Razinger

photo: Klemen Razinger

O kolekciji

Ko zadiši po Jadranskem morju, se nam pred očmi prikažejo podobe oljčnih nasadov, od vročine razbeljena kamnita obala, nežno kodranje morskih valov in podobe ribičev, ki ob sončnem zahodu na pomolih krpajo mreže za zgodnji jutranji ulov. Za Tino so ti motivi več kot le bežen privid, saj jo spremljajo že od otroških let in ji služijo kot nenehen navdih pri njenem arhitekturnem in oblikovalskem delu. S kolekcijo Pripovedi Jadrana je uresničila svojo dolgoletno željo, da te motive upodobi skozi unikatne kose pohištva.

Mediteran, vpisan v les, kamen in žamet

Kolekcijo Pripovedi Jadrana, ki bi morala biti predstavljena na letošnjem pohištvenem sejmu v Milanu (med 21. in 26. aprilom 2020), na kurirani razstavi Ventura Future, sestavlja pet različnih kosov pohištva. Vsak pripoveduje drugo zgodbo Jadrana, vse pa se vedno znova vračajo k znanim okusom, vonjem in materialom, ki zaznamujejo mediteransko kulturo. Naravni beli kamen z otoka Brača, les mediteranske oljke in reciklirane ribiške mreže so si podali roke s tradicionalno lokalno obrtjo in ustvarili Ribičevo svetilko, mizo Oljka in kamen, mizo Morje in kamen, enosed Adrian (Jadran) in preprogo Plankton.

/ About the collection

The scent of the sea has a way of evoking memories.When we smell the Adriatic Sea, familiar images rise before our eyes - olive tree orchids, rock beach, radiating from the summer heat, the gentle curling of waves, and silhouettes of fishermen in the evening sun, repairing their fishing nets for the early morning catch on the pier. For Tina, these images are more than just a faint impression. They have been a part of her ever since her childhood and are a constant source of inspiration at her architectural and design work. Tales of the Adriatic are the first step towards realizing her long-held desire to capture these motifs in the form of unique furniture pieces.

The Mediterranean, written in wood, stone, and velvet

The collection Tales of the Adriatic consists of five furniture pieces, and was to be presented this past spring at the furniture fair in Milan as part of the Ventura Future Exhibition. Each piece tells a different story of the Adriatic, each keeps bringing us back to those familiar flavours, smells, and materials that are the essence of Mediterranean culture. Local traditional handicrafts and materials such as natural white stone from the island of Brač, weathered and twisted olive wood, and recycled fishing nets have come together to create the Fisherman’s Lamp, Olive Tree & Stone Table, Sea & Stone Table, Adrian Chaise Lounge, and the Plankton Carpet.